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Order related FAQs
Q: What is your returns / exchange policy?
A: Our returns / exchange policy can be found by clicking here
Q: Do you ship worldwide?
A: Yes! We ship to most countries around the world! If you are unable to find your address when entering your details at checkout, please send us an e-mail to info@quwaco.com with your full shipping address and a member of our team will
Q: When can I expect my order to arrive?
A: If you have ordered for December dispatch, your order will be dispatched after the 2nd week of December. Delivery to the UK is within 7 working days after the day of dispatch. Delivery to international destinations is within 14 - 21 working days after the day of dispatch.
Q: I have received a notification from Customs regarding additional payment
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Q: Can I change my shipping address?
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Q: I received my item and I am not satisfied, what do I do?
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Q: I have not received any tracking information for my order
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Q: When entering my address at checkout, I am receiving an error
We're sorry to hear that you're receiving an error. Unfortunately this could occur due to a number of reasons. Please fill out the contact us form or send us an e-mail to info@quwaco.com and we will resolve your query as soon as possible
Q: Why am I unable to order more than two copies?
A: Due to strictly limited stock we have limited the purchase to 2 copies per order
Q: I purchased a copy but forgot to apply the discount code
A: Not to worry, if you could kindly place another order within 48 hours with the correct information and then send us an e-mail to info@quwaco.com with your original order. We will provide you with a full refund for your original order
Q: I wish to sell your books in my store
A: Please send us an e-mail to info@quwaco.com advising us of the quantities you seek. A member of our team will get back to you inshaAllah
Q: What is the difference between the paperback and hardback?
The main difference is the material of the front and back cover. The hardback has a hard cover and the paperback has a soft cover.
Q: I ordered a softback however I've changed my mind and wish to order a hardback or vice versa
A: That's not a problem, as long as we have not dispatched your item this can be done. You will need to place a new order with the correct item selected. Once you have completed that order, please send us an e-mail on info@quwaco.com providing us with the incorrect order number and we will process a refund for you.
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